About TRONICO and and the brands

4 activities led by TRONICO

Since 2008, a major transformation has been undertaken at TRONICO by Patrick Collet, its Managing Director, in order to develop the company’s activities and to preserve jobs.

Observing the environmental challenges of today, and wishing to give meaning and value to its products, TRONICO has initiated a shift in focus that is strategic, daring and centred on innovation.

To achieve its ambitions and to break the codes of subcontracting, TRONICO has set up an innovation committee, directly led by its General Management. Its first objective is to supply production with proprietary products. Today, this R&D department has 70 multiphysics engineers, able to intervene in a large number of fields of activity.

This strategy combining engineering, an understanding of market behavior and an awareness of new challenges in energy and the environment has led to the creation of a first “Tronico world”: Tame-Power

Subsequently, growing concerns over water quality inspired the purchase of the Vigicell company, renamed Tame-Water, a pioneer in comprehensive water quality monitoring and assessment with bioassays.

Tame-Care was created at the height of the COVID-19 health crisis to urgently develop the electronics for the MakAir ventilator, the instrumentation (EasyVID) of the EasyCOV saliva test and the STERY-UVC line of products for UVC disinfection.

What could be more coherent in the context of business diversification than to capitalize on strengths and know-how?

Spin-offs originally reserved for established customers, Tame-Component and Tame-Test now share their skills and experience with all markets in the fields of component analysis and test benches, respectively.

All these products and services are designed, developed and commercialized in Saint-Philbert-de-Bouaine, in Vendée (France).


Créée en 2020, Tame-Care est spécialisée dans les technologies médicales. Cette entité, née du savoir-faire de TRONICO en électronique médicale ambitionne de devenir un leader dans le monde des dispositifs médicaux électroniques. Tame-Care a d’ores et déjà fait preuve de sa capacité d’innovation sur des projets en lien avec la désinfection UV, la détection de composés organiques, la respiration avec MakAir ou encore les tests sérologiques EasyCOV.

Founded in the 2000s, the Tame-Component laboratory offers services in consulting, expertise, analysis and testing for electronic components, boards and systems.

Some Tame-Component customers include major French and European corporations in the markets of Aerospace, Mobility, Medical, Energy and Defense.

For 25 years, Tame-Test has been a specialist in testing solutions for circuit boards, semi-finished and finished products and equipment.
The global solution proposed by Tame-Test revolves around three main areas: 

  • Testing solutions (test kits, semi-automatic and automatic tests)
  • Data analysis (artificial intelligence, statistics, data collection and machine learning)
  • Complementary services (design for test, test strategy, maintenance and retrofit)

Tame-Test supports its customers in the process of reducing losses and optimizing production.

Created in 1973, TRONICO specializes in the design, industrialization and manufacturing of complex, predominantly electronic products for third parties.

In addition to its core business of EMS (Electronic Manufacturing Services), TRONICO positions itself as an ODM (Original Design Manufacturer) in the development of complex systems.

TRONICO addresses the following markets:

  • aeronautics
  • spatial
  • defense
  • medical
  • energy