Wide-gap components for power conversion

Wide-gap components for power conversion

Wide-gap components for power conversion What are the advantages of integrating SiC and GaN components into power architectures?  Growing electricity consumption The development of electrical sources and consumers means that power converters need to perform better....
Guide: Precharging DC-DC converters

Guide: Precharging DC-DC converters

Guide: Precharging DC DC converters Which precharge sequence for your DC-DC converter? Definition Precharging is a step to be carried out before each system start-up. Precharging consists of limiting the voltage supply within an electrical system by means of an...
Guide : Association of DC DC converters

Guide : Association of DC DC converters

Guide: Association of DC DC converters What is the DC-DC converter combination? Definition The combination of DC and DC converters consists of integrating several power conversion modules of the same reference within an electrical architecture in order to : Increase...