Non-isolated HV HV DC DC converters
Single and double size non isolated liquid cooled power conversion units

CONVY-DCDC-800V-07-RA (50kW)
Power: 50 kW max
Cooling: Liquid
Isolation : Non isolated
Voltage low range: 35V-500V
Voltage high range: 50V-800V

CONVY-DCDC-800V-11-RA (55kW)
Power: 55 kW max
Cooling: Liquid
Isolation : Non isolated
Voltage low range: 35V-500V
Voltage high range: 50V-800V

CONVY-DCDC-800V-15-RA (65kW)
Power: 65 kW max
Cooling: Liquid
Isolation : Non isolated
Voltage low range: 35V-500V
Voltage high range: 50V-800V

CONVY-DCDC-800V-07-RB (100kW)
Power: 100 kW max
Cooling: Liquid
Isolation : Non isolated
Voltage low range: 35V-500V
Voltage high range: 50V-800V

CONVY-DCDC-800V-11-RB (110kW)
Power: 110 kW max
Cooling: Liquid
Isolation : Non isolated
Voltage low range: 35V-500V
Voltage high range: 50V-800V

CONVY-DCDC-800V-15-RB (120kW)
Power: 120 kW max
Cooling: Liquid
Isolation : Non isolated
Voltage low range: 35V-500V
Voltage high range: 50V-800V

Power: 22 kW max
Cooling: Liquid
Isolation : Non isolated
Voltage low range: 100V-450V
Voltage high range: 550V-950V

Power: 44 kW max
Cooling: Liquid
Isolation : Non isolated
Voltage low range: 100V-450V
Voltage high range: 550V-950V
Power: 40 kW max
Cooling: Air
Isolation: Non isolated
Voltage low range: 430V-630V
Voltage high range: 630V-820V
TAME-POWER High-Voltage /High-Power non-isolated liquid-cooled simple unit DC DC converters allow to transfer up to 120 kW.
Available in their initial setup, non-isolated liquid-cooled simple unit DC DC converters allow the adjustment of their parameters to adapt to your environment and constraints.
Technical specifications of non-isolated liquid-cooled simple unit DC DC converters range
Non-isolated liquid-cooled simple unit DC DC converters are able to:
- Operate on 35V to 950V voltage ranges
- Generate an output power up to 120 kW
- Integrate to both stationary and embedded applications
- Transfer power in both boost and buck mode (bidirectional DC to DC converter)
- Integrate several control modes in input or in output: current, voltage and power
- Integrate a specific mode to battery charge
- Combine several DC DC converters to increase the total output power
TAME-POWER DC DC converters allow to transfer up to 120 kW. The optimal distributed power level depends on system parameters and on voltage input and output ranges. TAME-POWER proposes an individual support to ensure the perfect match between TAME-POWER products, your specific needs and applications.
TAME-POWER non-isolated liquid-cooled simple unit DC DC converters are predisposed to operate on voltage ranges from 35V to 950V in input or in output.
TAME-POWER CONVY DC DC converters use liquid cooling:
- Liquid coolant: 50% glycoled water
- Inlet liquid temperature: minimum : -20°C, maximum : +65°C.
Regulation modes
TAME-POWER non-isolated liquid-cooled simple unit DC DC converters are easy to execute and are managed by CAN messaging. TAME-POWER products integrate several control modes, in input or output: current, voltage, power.
TAME-POWER non-isolated liquid-cooled simple unit DC DC converters beneficiate from an embedded intelligence allowing to optimize the output power on each operating point.
Starter kit
TAME-POWER developed the Starter Kit which aims to facilitate non-isolated liquid-cooled simple unit DC DC converters start up and power up. The Starter Kit aims to expedite TAME-POWER DC DC converters power up thanks to its dedicated content: TAME-POWER HMI, CAN communication probe, PEAK CAN driver software, communication and power cables.
For your specific needs, TAME-POWER proposed to adjust its catalogue references to make available products:
- Meeting your specific needs on the basis of TAME-POWER catalogue products
- Allowing to optimize your time requirements at controlled costs
- Permitting to propose a product which is specifically adjusted to your application environment
DC DC converters racks
TAME-POWER DC DC converters are assemblable to increase the total output power. Hence, TAME-POWER proposes to associate up to 10 power conversion modules per system, allowing to reach output power in order of megawatts.
The weight of the non-isolated liquid-cooled DC DC converters ranges from 11 kg to 22 kg per unit.